Ode to Humpty Dumpty
1 minsMy 13-year old niece in Cupertino, California wrote this ode for an English assignment. As you can see, it is heavily influenced by King Arthur era English (which I absolutely love). She sadly doesn’t have a Facebook account yet (despite lobbying from her uncle) so I promised to post this on my blog (after getting permission from her mom). Read on and imagine medieval times….
O proud egghead who stays
Sitting on thy beautiful granite stone
In a wilde release of gravity fall
Pulls thee over thy granite wall
Never to be return’d to thy position again
The king is brought before thee
Along with his gallant steeds and his men
Cannot aide you onto thy proud boulder
For thou shalt not be put back together again.
But egghead, do not wallow in sorrow.
Banish now thy doubt of being forgotten
Places of learning sing hymns of thy greatness
Miniature persons worship thee
Thou art the famous egg forever
Thou shalt not be forgotten by the world.
Steeds and their men still remember thee
And recall how thee was aided
Great men hangst their heads in never ending shame
Because thou could not be put back on thy stone
No, thou could never be put back again.
Thy greatness is cherished nationwide
O great egghead do not fear
Tales told of thee spread far and wide
Across the lands of present time
And now I praise thee, Humpty Dumpty.
Thou art the greatest egghead who
Ever strideth across the white sands of time
And thou art famous for falling that fateful day
Falling off your granite wall, but alas!
Never to be put back again.