The Garage Gang

The Garage Gang

February 04, 20102 mins

You can be sure that our garage would never look like this. Pic: courtesy (First guest post from my wife. It’s actually an email she wrote on the Raheja Residency…

When something’s not easy to do, you are doing it wrong

When something’s not easy to do, you are doing it wrong

October 19, 20093 mins

It was early days for me at the University of Houston campus in the Fall of 1992. One of my initial starry-eyed memories was that of purchasing my first Coke can from a vending machine on my way back…

Offroading in Behrampur/Gurgaon – Selected Shorts from Jun 2008

Offroading in Behrampur/Gurgaon – Selected Shorts from Jun 2008

September 21, 20091 mins

Pic: courtesy A selection of videos from my offroading adventure with Pranshu Gupta (and his bad boy friends) in Behrampur – a hamlet on the outskirts of Gurgaon. Disclaimer: no animals…

A year in Bangalore – the unwritten blog posts

A year in Bangalore – the unwritten blog posts

September 06, 20095 mins

Pic: courtesy We hit our ‘one year anniversary in India’ on India’s Independence Day – Aug 15, 2009. A few months ago, we toyed with the idea of throwing a party and invite all our friends…

The Janus Man

The Janus Man

July 17, 20097 mins

Pic: courtesy This is a sequel to The Proud Man and is based on a series of events that occurred in March 2009. Act 1, Scene 1: Raheja apartment living room (Time: 2:00pm) “Madam! Aap…

Gurgaon Growling

Gurgaon Growling

June 18, 20093 mins

Gurgaon at night (Pic: courtesy I wrote this post in my head in June 2008 shortly after my 2-week reconnoisance trip to India before the big move. Thanks to the growing list of…

The Urban Indian Steed (photo blog)

The Urban Indian Steed (photo blog)

February 21, 20091 mins

Sure, the number of automobiles on Indian roads has dramatically increased in the last 20 years but it still pales in comparison to the urban steeds that zip past lumbering 4-wheelers, zig & zag…